Thursday, March 22, 2007

All my friends in Austin

I'm headed to the airport in a bit to test my luck with a jetBlue flight from Austin to Boston. After returning home last week a day early and skipping this same flight last Friday, I learned that my friend Mike had flown the opposite segment from Boston to Austin on that same day just before the snow. He was headed to SXSW last weekend. So, basically, I would have been hanging out in the gate area as he deplaned into the same gate area.

A couple weeks ago, and again after the fact, I learned that my friend John was on that same Austin to Boston jetBlue flight that I was also taking. I find it odd that I completely missed him in the gate area or on board, but we had an hour delay, so I was waiting elsewhere.

This morning, I'm not sure which Boston friend I will be seeing on this flight or at the airport. I do know that Jamen asked me to buy him a UT hat (he saw mine and liked it so much) and mention it on here. I think it's a pretty cool hat. And wearing it around Fenway, I would be less likely to get bludgeoned than if I had a Yankees hat on.

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