Friday, December 07, 2007

Prevent Car Breaks in Southie

District 6 of the Boston Police distributed a mailer yesterday, calling for Southie residents to help prevent "car breaks in South Boston." I'm assuming they mean break-ins and not damaged cars. Whatever. I get the message.

They have five rules to prevent "car breaks":

1. Never Leave Valuables in your car (I have always thought of myself as a bit paranoid to remove my GPS unit's suction cup after every single use, but written on the notice was a reminder to "remove any telltale signs of the GPS such as mounts of suction cups." Therefore, I'm right. FYI, thieves - if I'm not in my car, neither is my GPS. Simple rule.)

2. Always lock your car (duh)

3. Completely Close Car Windows When Parked (check)

4. Use Anti-Theft Devices (OK I agree with this, however, they suggest to "invest in an alarm if possible. NO, NO, NO!!! I have had to call the police before to report car alarms that continued endlessly way past bedtime. Southie residents, PLEASE do not buy car alarms. Deep down inside, people don't care about them. They are simply irritating. I have The Club - same one I bought for my Ford Escort sixteen years ago. It works. And it's quiet.)

5. And most importantly...DON'T FORGET RULE #1 (a bit of a cop out, but OK).

I know car breaks are not exclusively endemic to Southie, but I appreciate the warning and call for fixing a problem. Just more car alarms.

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