Friday, May 11, 2007

Muchas gracias esta mañana

1. Mother Nature

Thank you for bringing the lovely weather to New England this week. A well-deserved Happy Mother's Day to you.

2. Road Crews

Thank you for blocking major thoroughfares during rush hour this month. I'm sure many motorists greeted you in their own unique ways as they crawled past your work site, bouncing atop the large metal plates and patchwork asphalt that you called passable temporary roads.

A secondary shout-out thank you to your Southie road crew bretheren, who have once again managed to create swiss cheese out of our roads with their well-coordinated projects, timed with precision after roads have been resurfaced properly. Extra kudos to their random 7 AM - 5PM road closures peppered near my home. I'm sure my neighbors who misread or flat-out missed the temporary signs have enjoyed the extra tickets and towing these past few weeks.

3. School Bus

Thank you school bus stopped in traffic outside yet another Mass Ave impediment on your right. I sincerely appreciate your well-targeted drive through a puddle of indeterminate liquid, fromed near the aforementioned road crew. With Mother Nature bestowing her grace and beauty on Boston this week, and with me enjoying a drive to work with my windows down and sunroof open, I loved the extra-refreshing torrent of water that covered me, my front seat, AND my back seat. You covered lots of ground with that one! Have a great day!

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