Friday, June 29, 2007


If misery isn't simply having to fly to Minneapolis, it must be:

1. Flying to Minneapolis

2. On a full flight

3. On Northwest

4. With a baby seated in your aisle

5. Knowing that your greatly anticipated packages from Circuit City have been "delivered, left at doorstep" according to FedEx's tracking systems, but no packages were sitting there to great you upon your arrival at home last night, and thereby

6. Needing to contact Circuit City to figure out why they sent these packages without requiring a signature.
7. Giving FedEx your cell phone as your method of contact as they search for these packages.
8. When that cell phone is sitting at home on your kitchen, turned off.



Anonymous said...


Let me know how I can help. Sorry you are having a bad day.


FG18 said...

Can't you fly Midwest Airlines? I love them. All business class and the wine keeps coming.

Jason said...

I always forget about Midwest! I just checked and they only fly nonstop from Boston to Milwaukee and Kansas City. But thanks for reminding me, because I might have to fly to KC in the next couple of weeks!