Friday, June 01, 2007

Pounding on 30's door

Yesterday and today were and are John's and Jamen's birthdays respectively. It's good that both fall in different months, because of all of my friends, the two of them take their birthdays the absolute most seriously.

May is the "Celebration of Life," culminating in John's birthday. Last year, his daughter was also born in May, which automatically diverts much of the attention away from John. But thinking back to all prior years, I remember how important John's birthday is to John, so he still deserves a birthday nod. I'm hoping we have a chance to get together this weekend to celebrate.

Jamen hasn't named his birthday month, but tomorrow he will begin the countdown to next year's birthday. Jamen's half-birthday is also a bit of an event, so I like to point out how my birthday in November interferes with his cycle. My half-birthday and actual birthday are each about two weeks before Jamen's events, so if we're going to make a big deal about his, we have to make a big deal about mine first, and then he only gets two weeks until his day each time. Tonight is his party. If any incriminating photo ops occur, I will post them on Platinum Elite next week.

Feliz cumpleaƱos a mis dos amigos buenos!


Anonymous said...

Go, go, go shawty
It's MY birthday
We gon' party like it's MY birthday
We gon' sip Bacardi like it's MY birthday
And you know we don't give a f%%%
It's not MY birthday!

Thanks for the shout out dude. I can't wait to PARTY tonight!

Anonymous said...

I did not hear John mention the Celebration of Life once this year. He is, however, going to kill me for giving his daughter bongos and this infernal ball popping machine. I thought they were brilliant!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to hear about the birthday celebrations and see the pictures. My birthday was May 20th, but I was sick so my galpals and I haven't gone out yet. We don't party anymore, just eat and drink a little wine.

I don't think I've ever known anyone named Jamen. My best friends are Shella and Janythe, and I've never known anyone else with those names either.

Anonymous said...

I really like your bookmarked songs list.
You should get a gun to scare off the birds. Or pull a little Steele Magnolias action with fireworks.

Jason said...

Bongos and a popping machine? For a 1-year old? Isn't it great to be Auntie, stir up lots of dust, have niece love you for the gifts, and you still get to go home and not hear the results of your gifts? Classic.