Saturday, October 27, 2007

Playing Catch Up

Second post from PodCamp, so I suppose I am live blogging.

I have already seen two guys in what seem to be kilts (though one is arguably a dude in a skirt). I have heard one of them speak during a session, and he sounds to be from the UK of Isles, so he gets a free pass. The other, however...

I feel entirely lame to have a Dell computer here, when everyone else has Apple MacBook Pros. The cult of Apple is intimidating. I might have to join.

During my first session (Web 2.0 Tools That Are Actually Useful), I learned about a number of webapps that seem useful, such as Jott - the voice-to-text application, and GrandCentral - the phone number aggregator. A gent named Scott Monty gave the presentation, and he seems to be an upstanding guy.

Someone from PodCamp TV grabbed me for an on-camera interview after the session, I'm assuming because I am that photogenic (and not because I was the first person to walk past her table).

Everyone here seems to use Twitter. I need to get on that.

Someone just referred to the years 1999/2000 as "Way Back"

1 comment:

Me said...

Way back.


I feel old.