Monday, June 09, 2008

Celtics Game 2 and Super Bowl redux

I must admit that I have nothing invested in the Celtics. Basketball just doesn't do it for me.

Sure, I can name a few of the star players. But that doesn't make me a fan.

Why bother watching a game when all of the excitement occurs in the final two minutes?

And even then, it's simply score, foul, free throws, score, foul, free throws - apply, lather, rinse, repeat if necessary.


I have, however, nothing against the Celtics. I believe I have been to as many Knicks games at MSG as I have Celtics games at the Garden, which would be exactly one game apiece.

But the fact that they are Boston's team is reason enough for me to be happy for them and the fans.

And as a sports fan, how could I not watch the prime time game last night, Game 2 of the Championship Series. I should want to be all over that one. We're definitely amidst a sports dynasty here in Boston, with the Sox and Pats having significantly contributed to the past six years of championships. And now, it's the Celtics' turn.

Is it fair to say that Boston has been the most successful U.S. sports city over the past six years? 3 Super Bowl wins, 2 World Series wins, and now this? There's a lot of cities with sports teams. Winning 5 of the 24 titles of the big four (yes hockey still counts) is a feat. If you consider Southern California as a whole, it appears that the Lakers, Angels, and Ducks have also combined for five recent victories.

So that's why I tuned in.

Only to realize that yes, I was correct. Basketball just doesn't do it for me.

After flipping to another program which will remain nameless (and would challenge my being male), I redeemed myself by surfing over to my DVR list and re-watching the final eight minutes of the Super Bowl. What a drive.

But then it was back to the game for the final few minutes. So I did see all of the excitement in the end, which simply proved my suggestion that the final two minutes are all I need to watch.

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